De qué se trata.
Cada niño merece la oportunidad de “just be a kid,” and here at Camp Korey, we’re committed to making that a reality. That’s why our Family Weekends, Summer Camp sessions, Family Adventures, and retreats are 100% adaptable y 100% gratuito Para campistas y familias.
Cada año, Camp Korey brinda alegría, comunidad y nuevas aventuras a casi 2000 campistas que viven con afecciones médicas que alteran la vida y a sus padres, hermanos y cuidadores. Como miembro orgulloso de Red infantil SeriousFun, Camp Korey is more than a camp, it’s a place where challenges transform into triumphs, y where the spirit of community and adventure thrives. Our programs not only bring smiles to the faces of our campers but also create a supportive network for families who are navigating life’s journey with resilience and hope.
Our dedicated medical care team ensures that Camp Korey’s medical center and pharmacy are atendido las 24 horas by pediatric, specialty-specific physicians, registered nurses, and medical volunteers while camp is in session.
We provide comprehensive, individualized medical care for each of our campers. Our medical team collaborates with each family to make certain that all elements of their child’s care are planned for. We ensure that campers receive their medications discreetly. This way, they can focus on having fun and enjoy a sense of medical independence. Parents and caregivers can rest assured that their children are safe and will receive any necessary medical care while at camp.
Camp Korey is uniquely qualified to serve niños con uno o más de más de 90 diagnósticos médicos graves throughout the Pacific Northwest.