Camper Group

Camp Korey 不仅仅是一个营地。

它是 有孩子的地方 改变生活 医疗条件可能只是孩子, 完全免费.我们相信所有的孩子都应该能够体验到童年的快乐和夏令营对生活的深远影响。 每年,成千上万的营员和家庭成员聚集在一个拥有共同经历的社区中,在医疗安全和适应性强的环境中唱歌、跳舞、欢笑、成长并发现他们的潜力。

在这里,露营者  90+ 诊断电子 can take a true break from being “patients” and rediscover the joy of being a kid.  


Every child deserves the opportunity to “just be a kid,” and here at Camp Korey, we’re committed to making that a reality. That’s why our Family Weekends, Summer Camp sessions, Family Adventures, and retreats are 100% adaptable and 100% free of charge for campers and families.

Each year, Camp Korey brings joy, community, and new adventures to nearly 2,000 campers living with life-altering medical conditions and their parents, siblings, and caregivers. As a proud member of the SeriousFun 儿童网络, Camp Korey is more than a camp, it’s a place where challenges transform into triumphs, where the spirit of community and adventure thrives. Our programs not only bring smiles to the faces of our campers but also create a supportive network for families who are navigating life’s journey with resilience and hope.

Our dedicated medical care team ensures that Camp Korey’s medical center and pharmacy are 全天 24 小时值班 by pediatric, specialty-specific physicians, registered nurses, and medical volunteers while camp is in session.

We provide comprehensive, individualized medical care for each of our campers. Our medical team collaborates with each family to make certain that all elements of their child’s care are planned for. We ensure that campers receive their medications discreetly. This way, they can focus on having fun and enjoy a sense of medical independence. Parents and caregivers can rest assured that their children are safe and will receive any necessary medical care while at camp.

Camp Korey is uniquely qualified to serve 患有 90 多种严重医学诊断中的一种或多种的孩子 throughout the Pacific Northwest.


我们的目的是为 儿童交易 患有改变生活的医疗条件 和他们的家人, 完全免费。 Camp Korey 的基本支柱是安全、友谊、包容、公平和乐趣。


以表彰他们的勇气、力量和决心 孩子们生活 患有改变生活的医疗条件 和他们的家人 通过为他们提供有趣、安全的营地环境和专业医疗支持的转变体验。 

Goldbergs and campers

给予欢乐,冒险, 以及每个需要它的孩子的韧性。

Camp Korey 的土地确认书。

我们要承认,我们生活和工作的土地是 Coast Salish 人民的祖先家园。
Korey Rose


Camp Korey is named for Korey Rose, a vivacious teen who lost his battle with bone cancer at age eighteen (2004). His father, Tim Rose, founded Camp Korey in 2005 with his family to honor Korey’s memory and create 避风港 对于其他患有儿童疾病和严重疾病的家庭。保罗纽曼的 认真有趣 营地,他 已确立的 1988 年,启发蒂姆将“抚养小地狱”的特权扩展到西北地区的孩子们。

科里营地 经营 as an “on-the-road” program for three years before moving to the City of Carnation in June 2008 and launching its first two camper sessions just two weeks later.

2012年,Camp Korey成为正式成员 认真有趣 儿童网络,由保罗·纽曼创立。我们一起为患有严重疾病的儿童提供壮观的营地体验和高质量的医疗服务,所有这些都在最安全和最有利的环境中进行。对于孩子们来说,这是一种高飞、建立友谊、记忆的乐趣。

In the summer of 2016, 科里营地 购买哈斯德 弗农山 200 英亩的地产,计划扩大服务条件和数量。 

