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Berättelser om lägereld

Campers, Parents, Supporters

Camper to Camp Director

Camp Director of Cabin Life, Brandon Mock, speaks about what his SeriousFun camp meant to him as a child navigating a complex medical condition and how that background informs his work at Camp Korey.

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Stars in Our Sky!

Spring at Camp Korey has seen an incredible blossoming of amazing volunteer groups and new exciting opportunities! Not including all of our amazing program volunteers, we have also seen the incredible growth of our group volunteer program already this year.

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Nyheter och uppdateringar

Tapestry of Belonging

Amidst the rustling leaves and the crackling campfire, Camp Korey is a transformative haven for children with complex medical conditions and their families. Camp is the place where they explore new ideas, try things they never thought possible, and connect through the magic of camp traditions.

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Parents, Supporters

Sewing Threads of Community

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Campers, Supporters, Volunteers

Cabin Chat with Sophie, Camper Turned Volunteer

Sophie started as a camper and talks with our Volunteer Manager Paige about why she chose to continue her journey with Camp Korey as a volunteer.

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Spring into Summer Camp

At Camp Korey, every moment weaves together a vibrant tapestry of belonging, where each thread represents a story of personal triumph, found friendship, and the joy of “just being a kid.”

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