building leaders out of camp korey

Expand + Develop Your Skills

Connection, Communication, and Collaboration

Grow, engage, + have fun!

Building Leaders Out of Camp Korey (BLOCK) is a teen leadership program for campers ages 16 & 17 aimed at expanding the skills that camp teaches by developing communication, stewardship, and collaboration. The BLOCK program provides an opportunity for campers who are interested in giving back to camp and developing their leadership skills through service projects and skills-based learning. 

BLOCK leaders will engage in service projects around camp that help support the kitchen, facilities, and program teams at camp by assisting in special projects, meal setup/cleanup, leading songs/dancing, and helping make camp happen. Further, BLOCK leaders will spend their week building service leadership skills through activities centered around teamwork, communication, and collaboration. 

block the builders

How do campers apply for BLOCK Programming?

When a camper is eligible and interested in the BLOCK program, they will state this on their application. They are still required to complete a full camper application. Once the application is complete, a member of the full-time staff will contact the applicant to schedule an interview. Some interview questions may be: 

  1. What is your expectation as a BLOCK camper? What do you expect? 
  2. Have you had experience being a leader before? If yes, tell me about it. If not, tell me what you think being a leader means.
  3. What do you want to learn as a BLOCK camper? 

Once applicants complete their interview, they will be placed considering their availability, gender, personal care needs, and readiness of applicant for the BLOCK program. 

As a BLOCK Leader, your typical day could include:


8:45-9 Setup for breakfast 

9-10 Serve breakfast and eat 

10-10:15 Help clean up the dining hall 

10:15-11:15 Service projects 

11:15-11:30 Break 

11:30-12:30 Service projects 

12:45-1 Setup for lunch 

1-2 Serve and eat lunch 

2-2:15 Clean up the dining hall 

2:15-3 Chill time 

3-5:45 Leadership activities 

5:45-6 Dinner setup 

6-7 Serve dinner and eat 

7-7:15 Clean up the dining hall 

7:30-9:30 Help with evening programs or more leadership activities 

9:30-10:30 Chill time 

10:30 Lights out 


  • What makes a great leader? Check out these TED Talks. They discuss this question and how to inspire and empower others to do their best.
    Click here for TED talks 


  • These 20 TED Talks are for those looking to develop their leadership skills. Perfect for aspiring young leaders!  

Click here for TED talks 


  • Learn some simple poses to increase confidence and decrease stress.  

Click here for poses 


  • Take something you’ve always wanted to do and try it for 30 days. Here is a great talk on setting and achieving goals. 

Click here for TED talks 


  • An introduction to having a “Growth Mindset”- the idea that we can grow our capacity to learn and solve problems.  

Click here for the Growth Mindset talk 


  • Success is a constant journey. We always need to keep trying!  

Click here for TED talks 


  • Learn the benefits of Mindfulness. All it takes is 10 minutes!  

Click here for mindfulness talk 


  • TEDxTeen.  

Click here for TEDxTeen 


  • Youth Career Exploration and Skill Development.  

Click here for YCESD 
